Kublalsingh on day 47 of hunger strike

November 05, 2014 in Regional

IN a study lit only by the final rays of the setting sun reaching like fingers through an open door, Dr Wayne Kublalsingh yesterday lay on a day bed, thinking. A mosquito invasion in Kublalsingh’s neighbourhood has led to a net over his bed, his frame...

Sir Lester Bird receives A&B’s highest national honour

November 04, 2014 in Regional

ST JOHN’S, Antigua – Four knighthoods topped the list of 21 national awards conferred on residents during the Ceremonial Parade to mark the 33rd anniversary of Independence yesterday, with the most outstanding being that of former prime minister Lester Bird, who received Antigua & Barbuda’s...

More Want To Go

November 03, 2014 in Regional

Shane Crawford and Milton John Algernon, two Trinidadians who joined arms with the Islamic State (ISIS), are right now fighting in the Syrian town of Kobani. They are also joined by another Trinidadian whose Muslim name is “Faizool”. The fighting between ISIS and the Kurdish fighters in...