January 2015

Astaphan says Injunction means no elections

January 30, 2015 in National

Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan speaking to Eboni Brandon on ZIZ radio on Friday morning said that the injunction granted banning any action on new boundaries, in essence prevents the holding of General Elections on new boundaries. Astaphan said the decision by the Court of Appeal is...

Hawksbills on the auction block to St.Kitts?

January 30, 2015 in Regional

[caption id="attachment_3285" align="alignleft" width="300"] Devon Thomas takes a catch against TnT Red Steel during the 2014 CPL season[/caption] The Antigua Hawksbills joined three other franchises on the auction block after the Caribbean Premier League announced that it would be awarding a franchise to St Kitts and...

Election Threats are very serious

January 30, 2015 in National

Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas has said that national security forces are taking recent threats against voters very seriously and are taking every possible precaution. This comes in the wake of threatening comments targeting Nigerian students made by a caller on a programme...