March 2020

No more wine, holy water at RC Masses

March 06, 2020 in Regional

The Ro­man Church in Trinidad and To­ba­go has ceased serv­ing wine among sev­er­al oth­er pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures as the threat of the spread of the coro­n­avirus looms large over the Caribbean. Some of the oth­er ma­jor changes tak­ing ef­fect yes­ter­day in­clude Holy Com­mu­nion on­ly be­ing dis­trib­uted in...

KLM ceases direct flight from St. Maarten for now

March 06, 2020 in Regional

Five months after its reintroduction, Royal Dutch Airlines KLM is ceasing its direct Amsterdam-St. Maarten-Amsterdam flight per the end of this month. Per march 29, KLM will stop in Curaçao on the return flight to Amsterdam. The last direct KLM flight from St. Maarten to Amsterdam...