Shaggy Out Of The Closet: Artiste Admits To The World He Is A Lesbian

March 19, 2015 in International

Shaggy-1In a recent interview Jamaican entertainer Shaggy answering a question about Homophobia in Jamaica, came out to the world that he is a lesbian.

The artiste was asked if the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community was making any progress in Jamaica, he response was “Sweetheart, let me tell you something, you are talking to the number-one lesbian. Ain’t nobody love more women than me, and I am Jamaican so I represent for all the lesbians right there. There has been a movement; I am leading the movement for lesbians.”

The artiste also took the time during the interview to clear up all misconcepts about Jamaica’s approach towards homosexuality.

“There are a lot of gays I see in Jamaica who are openly affectionate. You see, Jamaica has a stigma where people feel like we are the greatest gay bashers in the world; that is not the case. I live in Kingston, and there are a lot of gay people in Jamaica, and nobody is walking around killing gays. If you look at the statistics, there has not been any killing of gays in Jamaica. The only killings you hear is gay-on-gay crime, which is crime of passion. So don’t listen to the propaganda and be misled … have you been to Jamaica? You should visit,” said the entertainer.