PM Douglas says government open to ganja debate

August 28, 2014 in National

PMDouglas-PressCOnference-1Prime Minister, Dr Denzil Douglas at Wednesdays Townhall meeting at the Newtown Community Center said his government was open to a discussion on the use of Medical Marijuana. Prime Minister Douglas said he understood the rights of the Rastafarian Community to the use of the herb for their rights and sacrament. Prime Minister Douglas said that although the use of Marijuana is illegal the time had come for a responsible discussion on the decriminalization of medicinal marijuana.

Throughout the Caribbean from Jamaica to Trinidad the controversy continues about the uses of Marijuana, in particular in light of the stance taken by several countries including the U.S.A to legalize marijuana for its medical properties. Prime Minister Douglas said he had set up a regional commission to look into the uses of marijuana and going forward to report to regional governments on this issue.