PM Douglas declares Fresh Elections on Fair Boundaries

January 27, 2015 in National

PMDouglas-PressCOnference-1On Tuesday afternoon High Court Judge Justice Marlene Carter ruled on the matter regarding an injunction granted on 16th January to prevent proclamation of changes to the boundary ahead of the upcoming elections.
Justice Carter in her judgment advised that it was clear that the injunction was granted after the proclamation had been made and gazetted.
This decision paves the way for the general elections to be held on new boundaries. The court was advised of the intent to appeal. Meanwhile on the heels of the decision Prime Minister Douglas announced live on Freedom FM that the Governor General Sir Edmund Lawrence has issued the relevant writs.
Prime Minister Douglas indicated on Freedom Fm that Nomination Day would be announced tonight (Jan. 27) at a public meeting in Buckley’s and that he will also announce the date for General Elections.
Dr. Douglas told the nation that the Governor-General has issued the relevant writs, informing the Returning Officers of his decision.
“Today, the 27th day of January 2015, the Governor-General for the purpose of the holding of the seventh General Elections has issued the relevant writs of connections under the Public Seal addressed to the Returning Officers of all of the Constituencies.

“By the same writs, it is ordered that the dates set for the nomination of candidates for each Constituency shall be named later tonight by me, the Prime Minister, in a public meeting that will take place at Buckley’s. And we shall make at that public meeting in Buckley’s also the date for the country’s next Elections, just a little beyond five years of the last Elections of 25th of January 2010.”

The Prime Minister noted that the announcement at tonight’s meeting is based more on the fact that voters had expressed their desire for the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party to lead the country in 2010 and should continue to do so because of the party’s numerous achievements.

PM Douglas also declared that the democratic exercise would take place in a matter of weeks and made reference to the change in constituency boundaries.

“In a matter of weeks, fellow nationals, residents, we will all again participate in that all important democratic exercise when, with our X, they will specify exactly which candidates and which political party which to assume the leadership of our Federation in this moment of the nation’s history on renewed boundaries, realigned boundaries, fair boundaries at last.