Parry says PAM helped to remove NRP from office

September 04, 2014 in National

JosephParry-1Former Nevis Premier, Hon Joseph Parry, told listeners to Good Morning St Kitts and Nevis that he holds the PAM responsible for the removal of his NRP Government for the seat of power in Nevis. In an exclusive interview with host EK on the Freedom Fm popular morning talk show, Parry recalled that the PAM has used their resources to undermine his government leaded us to the 2013 elections on Nevis when the NRP was defeated at the polls by the CCM 3-2.

The former premier said although he has a tremendous amount of respect for the Rt Hon Dr Sir Kennedy Simmonds and had enjoyed working with him, it had been the SKNLP/NRP coalition government that has brought more economic social benefits to Nevis. Mr Parry highly commended the sterling efforts of Prime Minister Douglas to bring substantial economic development and investments to the federation of St Kitts and Nevis.