NRP to Launch Virgil Browne for St James Constituency, Nevis on Saturday

November 24, 2016 in National

virgil-browne-1The race is truly on for the St. James Constituency seat now held by CCM’s Alexis Jeffers, and on Thursday morning, Virgil Browne the new NRP candidate speaking to Freedom Fm’s Newsdesk assured Nevisians that the launch of his candidacy was to restore transparency and accountability to governance on Nevis.

Browne insisted that his vision was to bring about economic transformation for his constituents and by extension the people of Nevis.

In an exclusive interview with Freedom Fm Browne invited all Nevisians to come out to the Franklyn Browne Community Center for the launch of the political career and to learn more as to why he is taking on this challenge. NRP candidate Virgil Browne.