NRP Press Conference: Parry Says Nevis Governed like a Colony of St. Kitts

August 10, 2016 in National

nrp-1Leader of Nevis Reformation Party, Joseph Parry Speaker at an NRP Press Conference in Nevis on Wednesday took the CCM administration to task for not having a plan to deal with the development of Nevis.

Parry said that Premier Vance Amory and Deputy Premier Mark Brantley are not serving in the interest of the people of Nevis, as both have abandoned Nevisians. Parry said in 1998, the CCM wanted independence for Nevis but now in 2016 were operating Nevis “as a colony”.

Parry said the 2 salaries and the subsidies granted by TUG for Nevis, takes away the dignity of Nevisians as the center of power for the Nevis government was now based in St. Kitts. He said there is something fundamentally wrong with this arrangement.

On the question of the double salary, Parry said it was unprecedented and wrong, for both ministers to be working in St. Kitts from 8 to 4 as they could not duplicate this in Nevis at the same time. The NRP press conference was held in Nevis and featured, also at the head table of NRP officials. Hensley Daniel who chaired the press conference as well as Robelto Hector and Senator Carlyle Powell.