It’s International Men’s Day 2019!

November 19, 2019 in National

International Men’s Days is observed globally on November 19, providing an opportunity to celebrate the men in our lives irrespective of their socioeconomic status, their cultural and religious beliefs or their sexual orientation.

In an address marking the occasion, Hazel Brandy-Williams, Junior Minister of Gender Affairs in the Nevis Island Administration highlighted this year’s theme “Men leading by example” and encouraged men to set a good example for the younger members of society, especially the boys.

“It provides us with an opportunity to appreciate the contribution they make in building our families, communities and our country. This year’s theme “Men Leading by Example,” encourages men to be positive role models. Leading by example means that their attitudes, actions and moral values are deemed positive examples for others to follow.

“Men Leading by Example” helps others, particularly our young boys, to build positive characters and inspire them to be the best that they can be. Some positive model behaviors that will inspire others to live meaningful lives include being honest, hardworking, compassionate, determined, respectful and responsible. It also involves men speaking out against gender-based violence and teaching our young people about respecting their parents, senior citizens, women and girls. It is by their example that followers learn what behaviors are acceptable and what is not.

“International Men’s Day allows us to consider what it truly means to be a man. Does it require our men to be macho or does it require them to be mature? Does it require only boldness or does it often require compassion and benevolence? If our society is to be one where positive male role models abound, then we must teach our boys from an early age the values of sensitivity, empathy, compassion and respect. This will position them to become positive male role models in their own right.”

International Men’s Day also shines a light on the challenges facing men.

“International Men’s Day, however, is not only a moment for us to celebrate. It is also an opportunity to consolidate. It allows us to consolidate our gains made in addressing the many challenges confronting men in our society and to examine those areas where we still need to invest further: areas such as men’s health and well-being, male victims of violence and those who resort to a life of violence, as well as the pressures and gender stereotypes which our boys face in and out of school.”

The Junior Minister said the Department of Gender affairs seeks to promote and advance gender equality advocating for equal access and opportunities not only for women but for men as well. The Department will host a moth of activities including an awards ceremony for outstanding men making a positive contribution in society.

“The Gender Affairs Department within the Ministry of Health seeks to promote and advance gender equality thereby advocating for equal access and opportunities not only for women but for our men as well. Apart from focusing on issues that affect men’s health and wellness, and dismantling those rigid masculine gender stereotypes particularly in the workplace, we also take the time to highlight and celebrate the positive role models in our communities.

“During the month long celebration the department seeks to engage men in a series of domino competitions. It will also host a seminar at the St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall on Wednesday, 27th November. The month long celebration climaxes with an awards dinner to celebrate those men who have and continue to make a positive contribution to the development of their families, their communities and their country.

“Therefore, as we celebrate International Men’s Day 2019, I want to challenge all of you, to find your own unique and individual way to celebrate and uplift our men. Let us continue to encourage them and grant them the reassurance that we are all partners in the cause of making that positive difference in our society.”