Controversial Double Salary Issue Troubling NRP

August 17, 2016 in National

halstead sooty byron-1The question of double salary received by two CCM/TUG ministers Amory and Brantley continues to be a fundamental and controversial topic with the opposition Nevis Reformation Party.

Andrea Bassue, NRP follower says it is impossible to complete 2 jobs in St. Kitts and Nevis given constraints of time and productivity. “NO one can work 2 jobs and give equal time to both.”

Bassue made these comments on Freedom Fm’s Issues on Tuesday referring to the “double dipping” done by Premier Vance Amory and Deputy Premier Mark Brantley who are currently serving in federal and local NIA jobs, and receiving 2 salaries.

“ Mark Brantley knows very well that he cannot complete an 8 hour job for both St.Kitts and Nevis and get two salaries, he knows that is it just not possible, you cannot work full time for two (2) segments on a full time salary. How will you do it?” She stated. Executive member of the NRP Halstead ‘Sooty’ Byron weighed in on the double salary issue.

Byron maintained that this action by the CCM Ministers is unprecedented in Nevis politics. “What is happening now has never happened before; this is the first time that any ministers are getting a ministerial salary from St. Kitts and a ministerial salary from Nevis at the same time.

When Dr Daniel, Mr Steven and Mr Swanston serve as ministers in both cabinets of both governments, they received one salary” Byron says for the NRP this will never happen.