
Drew Says Team Unity Government Continues Rampant Victimization

December 11, 2015 in National

[caption id="attachment_340" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Terrence Drew[/caption] SKNLP REP FOR CONSTITUENCY #8 Dr Terrance Drew says the Team Unity Government(TUG) is targeting single mothers who support the Labour Party and is calling on civil society to speak out on this burning issue. Drew called on the...

Liburd says Prime Minister Harris & Attorney General Appointment of Harris’ sister as Magistrate lacks transparency

December 10, 2015 in National

What we see happening in this country is that the court has become totally politicized by Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris and the Team Unity Government, so says the Honorable Marcella Liburd, the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Member of Parliament for Constituency #2. Speaking on Wednesdays...