
Hon. Robelto Hector Questions Legal Fees Paid By The NIA to a law firm in Anguilla with connections to Hon. Mark Brantley: Brantley Denies Benifitting from Relationship & Conflict of Issues

July 07, 2017 in National

Honourable Robelto Hector –“The taxpayers of Nevis DEMAND to know why the NIA has only been hiring an Anguillian law firm which claims it is the sister law firm of the local firm owned by Mark Brantley” The Honourable Robelto Hector on Tuesday, July 04, 2017,...

Ten New Officers to Strengthen Prison Rehabilitation Efforts

July 05, 2017 in National

Expanding educational and technical vocational opportunities for residents at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) has been a primary goal of Superintendent of Prisons, Junie Hodge, and additional manpower will be brought in to facilitate the expansion of rehabilitation initiatives. Last week, Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Timothy...