World Water Day 2015 – Water for Sustainable Development

March 19, 2015 in Community Pulse

WaterServices-1The Water Services Department is hosting a week of activities to celebrate World Water Day, which is held annually on March 22nd as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. The staff of the department will be engaging the community by visiting schools,both primary and secondary, appearing on radio, hosting an island wide motorcade dubbed ‘Water-Cade’ on Friday,March 27 from 8:30 AM, as well as facilitating a guided hike and tree planting ceremony to the Wingfield water source on Saturday, March 28 from 7 AM to 11 AM. Please find attached an agenda with the full week of activities.

The theme adopted this year is ‘Water for Sustainable Development’. This is a cross cutting principle that highlight show important water is to all segments of our society and our lives. It impacts, nature, food security, urbanization, health,industry, energy and social equity, which is key to poverty eradication and gender equality. Sustainable development creates economic benefits since virtually all economic activities depend on water. Sustainable development is crucial to preserving water resources and protecting the environment. Sharing knowledge and best practices for Integrated Water Resources Management is one of the main goals of the Water Services Department.

This year’s theme reminds us of the importance water plays in the overall development of our country and serves as a fervent reminder to protect this precious, yet finite resource, least we hamper our prospects for real and sustainable development Come and join us during our week of activities to know more about how water connects us all and the ways we can work together to ensure water for all for generations to come.