Weather Bulletin: 05th February 2025

September 11, 2020 in Weather

Issued at: 5pm Wednesday 5th February 2025

Present Weather: Fair Skies

Winds: Calm

Temperature: 27°C / 81°F

Sea Level Pressure: 1015.3mbs or 29.98”

Humidity: 85%

Sunrise: 6:03am Sunset: Today: 5:52 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8am Tomorrow

Winds: Southeast at 9 to 19 km/h or 6 to 12 mph.

Seas: 1.5 to 2.4 metres or 5 to 8 feet with northeasterly swells up to 2.1 metres or 7  feet. A high surf advisory remains in effect.

Weather forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis Partly cloudy and  hazy with a 30 percent or a low chance of showers.

Weather today: Partly cloudy and  hazy with a 30 percent or a low chance of showers.

Weather tonight: Fair to partly cloudy and hazy with a 30 percent or a low chance  of showers.

Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Instability associated with a weak topical wave will  heighten the chance of showers over the northern Windwards and Leewards today with gradual improvements by tonight. These conditions will likely reach the Virgin Islands by tonight. Meanwhile, localized convective activity is expected over the interior portions of Puerto Rico this afternoon. A drier and more stable atmosphere behind the wave will result in more settled environment over the southern Windwards, Barbados and to a lesser extent Trinidad and Tobago today; however, the Intertropical Convergence Zone will cause an increase in the chance of showers over Trinidad and Tobago by tonight.