Team Unity Supporter Dwyer Astaphan Takes Government to Task on Issues of Good Governance

April 08, 2016 in National

DwyerAstaphan-1Operation Rescue Founder and key Team Unity supported Dwyer Astaphan is taking the Team Unity Government (TUG) to task over issues of accountability, transparency, fairness and good governance since taking office over a year ago.Speaking on his weekly radio program on WINN Fm, Astaphan lamented that in these and other critical areas the TUG led by Dr Timothy Harris had been found wanting. Astaphan further urged the TUG to serve rather than rule while in government..

“All this work we have done and you have done clearing ground for them to govern and serve, not to rule. I voted for transparency, for efficiency, for fairness, for vision and I am not seeing enough of these things. I voted for a new administration to reform the constitution, for new electoral arrangements, for the reinforcing of the rule of law and the principles of democracy and good governance, I am not seeing enough of those things. I voted for robust dialogue, tolerance and harmony and for true empowerment of our people and I’m not seeing enough of those things and I voted for a new administration that would not only keep its promises but would keep its priorities as listed in its manifesto”

The former SKNLP Tourism minister turned Team Unity activist demonstrated that the TUG had not kept its promises and proposals for change as outlined in their Manifesto. In particular the Land For Debt Swap, Integrity in Public Life, the Freedom of Information Act, the PEP program, and the politicization of the Police Force were areas targeted by Astaphan and cited as areas where the Team Unity administration had fallen short.

“This is the Team Unity manifesto ‘It is time for our people to reclaim our country from the tentacles of a corrupt, outmoded and self centered regime” I bought into that, but as far as I’m concerned until and unless I can see proof that thorough investigations have been done and revelations are made to the public and justice pursued if and where necessary then I’ll have to say that we still have not reclaimed our country thirteen months later. That’s me, and here’s the thing about investigating, if you wait too late to move in and tie down things, the evidence is going to disappear”

“On page 9 of the manifesto they said that they would depoliticize the police force, now here is my opinion. When I heard that the Police High Command was present at the church service to mark the first anniversary of the Team Unity victory I wondered why the Police High Command was there. It’s a political celebration why the police high command as the police high command? That’s my opinion. Three, on page 12 they promised “To ensure that a reorganized PEP program would allow our young people a decent living wage and the opportunity to prosper” is that happening? How many new persons have been added to PEP? What are they doing, from which constituencies are they coming? What’s the total number in PEP? Tell me what has changed? At pages 14 and 31 they promised to create 2000 new jobs and 150 by the end of 2015, where are we on those? Also on page 14 they promised “ to return land back to the people where it belongs” and on page 16 “to repeal the vesting of certain lands act” how much land has been returned, has that act been repealed?”

“We’ve seen the first reading of the freedom of information bill and I don’t know when they plan to come back with to pass it, but I do not get the impression that there’s too much enthusiasm for it similarly I do not have the impression that there’s an awful lot of enthusiasm for the integrity in public life legislation and regulations.”

Dwyer Astaphan was a platform speaker for Team Unity during the last general elections and join the ranks of Team Unity activists, such as Clecton Phillip, and Terry Adams who have been critical of the Team Unity performance in office.