Parents claim Children suffering under Current BHS System

October 01, 2015 in National

BHS-1Parents of students attending the Basseterre High School are calling for solutions to the temporary housing accommodations and satellite classrooms put in place by the Ministry of Education.

The Basseterre High School has been abandoned by the Team Unity Government despite regional and internationals scientific institutions who have said the school is habitable.

However, the Government has condemned the institution saying it is contaminated resulting in temporary classroom solutions at Warner Park Cricket Stadium, the Washington Archibald High School, the Advance Vocational Education Center and the Old Boy’s School.

Just last Friday Basseterre High School third formers were sent home to clear space for returning Advance Vocational Education Center students.

On Freedom Fm’s “Issues” on Wednesday distraught but passionate parents called on the Government to address the Basseterre High School situation frontally, as the temporary measures have brought pain and suffering to parents and students alike, in the quality of education that was being received.