Liburd calls on Team Unity Government Supporters “not to be fooled” by Operation Rescue Founder

April 12, 2016 in National

Ian Patches Liburd-1Minister of Utilities, Communications and Energy the Honorable Ian Patches Liburd is responding to Operation Rescue Founder Dwyer Astaphan’s comments about the Team Unity Government lack of performance and transparency in government since taking office in 2015.

During his weekly talk show dubbed “Operation Rescue”, Astaphan took the TUG to task over issues of governance in particular Land For Debt, Integrity In Public Life, the PEP, and the Freedom of Information Act. Astaphan urged the Tug to”serve rather than rule”.

While speaking at the PAM convention on Sunday, Liburd urged those in attendance not to be fooled by the Operation Rescue Founder, whom he said had his own talk show and was using it to ask for the removal of the Team Unity Government.

“Do not be fooled by some of those you hear on talk shows. Some of those come across like they holier than thou…they are the experts on the economy and social issues, and experts in the law and government. But when you hear him talking you ask yourself if he got a 3 day syndrome…because he was in government. He got a huge lump sum gratuity…got a big contract from Douglas …you work out who it is”, said the Energy Minister.

“There can never be a quick fix to the problems we inherited my family, so we don’t want no operation to rescue us, that operation was done on February 16th last year. So I want to say like Gene Hamilton and like Rev. Jesse Jackson, let us keep hope alive” Liburd said.

Deputy Prime Minster Shawn Richards had earlier rejected the Dwyer Astaphan comments on the performance of the Team Unity Government.