Kamla willing to work with Govt after surge in crime

January 12, 2018 in Regional

THE Opposition is willing to work with Government to make Trinidad and Tobago safe again.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar by letter dated January 10 wrote to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley requesting a meeting to discuss a bi-partisan approach to the legislative agenda to fight crime, and specifically, to see the early return of the controversial Anti-Gang Bill. Persad-Bissessar said the country has experienced an unprecedented level of criminal activity with 494 murders in 2017 and 23 in 2018 (up to yesterday).

“Further, citizens continue to suffer robberies, assaults, woundings and attacks at home and at work. The brutality of the attacks upon our women and children is horrifying. No place in Trinidad and Tobago feels safe. Despite their best efforts, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and other arms of the protective services have not been able to protect our citizens adequately. People are being preyed upon by the criminal element. This situation cannot be allowed to continue,” she told the Prime Minister in her letter.