Farmers Raise Concerns for Care of Farms During Lock Down

April 01, 2020 in National

As citizens and residents of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis observe the regulations of the total lock down, these regulations only make provisions to exclude essential workers such as medical and media professionals. Farmers however, are voicing their concerns as they have to care for animals and crops that maybe away from their homes, and if persons are found infringing the law, a fine and/or term of imprisonment can be imposed.

(pictured left) Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris during Leadership Matters on Tuesday March 31 2020 with Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Shawn Richards on his left

At Leadership Matters, a virtual meeting on Tuesday night, Prime Minister Timothy Harris said that deliberations are ongoing with the Commissioner of Police, Hilroy Brandy, to include farmers in the special provisions as the nation tries to increase food productivity.

Many concerns have also been raised by bus operators who are now experiencing lower incomes as they observe social distancing protocols while carrying passengers. Prime Minister Harris pointed to the self employment aspect of the economic stimulus package being administered by the Social Security Board of up to $1000, once they are registered under that category.

Meanwhile, Melvin James, Director of Agriculture, during a National Emergency Operation Centre briefing on Tuesday confirmed that farmers will be granted privileges to go to their farms once they have identification cards on their person.