Dr Terrance Drew Takes Parliamentary Rep #8 Eugene Hamilton to court

December 08, 2020 in National

Greetings everyone,
On Monday, November 30, 2020, I filed a case in the court against Eugene Hamilton that will deal with the bribery, treating and other corrupt practices that took place during the June 5th General Election.
Let me elucidate in broad terms the instances of corrupt practices:
1. Land was given for votes on a grand scale. Those who refused were denied the opportunity to become a land owner.
2. People were locked down without food and a food package program was orchestrated to win votes in exchange for food.
3. People who needed materials to construct homes were also coerced into voting for building materials.
4. Names were illegally removed from the voters list.
5. The General Election was held under a State of Emergency (SOE).
While the Team Unity candidates were out canvassing and holding secret meetings with voters late into the night, the Labour candidates were harassed and forced to stay inside.
6. Our political meetings could only host 15 persons while Unity were having big jam sessions at a major hotel, with no social distancing and sometimes not even masks.
7. Large sums of government money were used to buy votes.
These are just some of the corrupt practices that took place.
If these practices become the norm and are not challenged then we would lose our democracy and all the freedoms that we have fought hard for as a country. In the long run we will all suffer because what is bad for the hive can not be good for the bees.
I stand resolved that our democracy and country are worth fighting for and I will fight this to the very end and beyond.
I will not rest until integrity in public life is operationalized, until there is true transparency, until victimization no longer exists, until our people are truly free and that elections are free and fair and free from fear.
I ask you the people of our land to join me in fighting for the soul of our country and democracy. For in the end all will benefit!
Stand for your country!
Stand for democracy!
Stand for fairness!
Stand for equal rights and justice!
Country above self!
At your service,
Dr. Terrance M. Drew