Dominica PM tells Vincentians ‘you have a good man’ in Gonsalves

March 28, 2023 in Regional

Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, has told Vincentians they have a real gem in Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, and to stick to what they have and who they know.

The political leader of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) and his wife, Melissa Poponne-Skerrit, were guests at the Unity Labour Party’s (ULP) celebration of 22 years in Government which was marked with a rally on Sunday. There, Skerrit took to the political platform where he showered praises on Gonsalves and described him as the best prime minister in the entire world, a true patriot, a decent man and the true world boss.

The Prime Minister of Dominica urged Vincentians to stick with the current administration.

“You have in Gonsalves a good man and when you have a good man, there is no need to change a good man and when you have a good political party, there is no need to change any political party.”

Skerrit applauded the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines on his admirable response to the 2021 La Soufriere volcano eruption. Dominica’s PM said Gonsalves has shown true leadership in providing hope and care for the people affected by La Soufriere. “You have a special God-sent man in a prime minister who continues to defend you in the regional and international arena.” He added: “Let us keep what we have, let us stick to who we know. You know Gonsalves and you have in Gonsalves a good man.”

The Prime Minister of Dominica said Gonsalves has brought pride and joy not only to Vincentians but every Caribbean country.

“Don’t think he is the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines alone, he is the prime minister of the entire Caribbean.”