Chinese Company Offers New Town For Barbuda

October 12, 2017 in Regional

A Chinese firm specialising in energy and housing met with the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda on invitation of the Minister of Works and Housing Eustace “Teco” Lake on Wednesday.

The company showed interest in constructing a new town in Barbuda, according to Cabinet notes.They proposed to construct a complex of several “high-rise apartment buildings” that could resist hurricane winds exceeding 200 mph.

“The complex would be self-contained, meaning that it would contain a supermarket, cleaners, a drug store, a restaurant, a movie theater, clothing stores, a church, car parks and other kinds of amenities that are common to new complexes,” The Cabinet notes by Chief of Staff Lionel “Max” Hurst read.

Representatives of the Chinese company agreed to return in a week with costs. They assured the Cabinet that the firm could arrange low-cost financing and construct living spaces that would be within the reach of families of limited means.