£7.5 trillion for slavery

September 23, 2014 in Regional

THE National Commission on Reparations (NCR) says Jamaica would be due at least £2.3 trillion (approximately J$416.3 trillion) from any slavery reparations paid by Britain to the region. This money would be able to pay off Jamaica’s national debt of $2 trillion and set the nation...

Slaughtered and dumped at sea

September 23, 2014 in Regional

JURORS in the Vindra Naipaul-Coolman murder trial yesterday heard how the Chaguanas businesswoman’s body was cut into pieces with an electric saw, placed in garbage bags and temporarily buried before being dug up and dumped out at sea. The source of that information came from an...

Vybz Kartel, co-accused back in court today

September 22, 2014 in Regional

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Entertainer Vybz Kartel and co-accused Vanessa ‎‘Gaza Slim’ Saddler will today appear in court for their attempting to pervert the course of justice case. The date was set last week after attorney Tom Tavares-Finson complained about discrepancies between what a witness has in...

Rowley: We will win

September 22, 2014 in Regional

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday that while the Express-commissioned poll showed a close race between the People’s Partnership and the People’s National Movement (PNM) if general elections were called now, polls conducted by the party point to a PNM victory. “We, too, have been...