
TUG Sends 75 PEP Workers Home

September 01, 2016 in National

Freedom Fm has just received news that some 75 PEP workers drawn from Cosmetology, Computer Graphics, Early childhood and Office Administration were sent home by Permanent Secretary in the office of the Prime Minister, Mr Osbert Desouza at 11 o’clock on Thursday morning. Several of the...

Is Nevis Better Off Under TUG? Not so, Says Powell

August 31, 2016 in National

NRP Senator Carlyle Powell speaking on Freedom Fm’s Issues on Tuesday, and responding to a question posed by host Maurice Ek Flaunders as to whether Nevisians were better off under the Unity arrangement, responded that Premier Vance Amory and Deputy Premier Mark Brantley, “were infinitely...

BHS Gets New Principal

August 31, 2016 in National

Maurice Benjamin is the new Principal of the Basseterre High School and is set to take up official duties there on Monday. Education Minister Shawn Richards told Freedom Fm on Wednesday morning that Benjamin brings a wealth of managerial and classroom experience to the job. The former...

Richards Admonishes Teachers to maximize student potential for upcoming School year: Missing SBA Grades Received.

August 31, 2016 in National

[caption id="attachment_3505" align="alignleft" width="300"] Honourable Shawn Richards[/caption] Minister of Education, the Honourable Shawn K. Richards says the turnout at a recent Ministry of Education workshop for teachers held on Monday at the Rivers of Water Christian center signals an important start for the new 2016-2017 school...