BHS Re opened on Monday

September 01, 2014 in National

With the recommendations of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in place, staff and students of the Basseterre High School (BHS) can look forward to the school reopening its doors on Monday.

During a meeting held on August 28 for parents and teachers, Minister of Education the Hon. Nigel Carty stated that there has been significant progress in increasing communication and ensuring the safety of staff and students. He noted that this has come “largely as a result of some key recommendations which were made by both CARPHA and CARIRI (Caribbean Industrial Research Institute).”

The Minister noted that those recommendations enabled all stakeholders to work together to ensure that the school was in shape for the new school year and beyond.

The CARPHA recently declared the school in satisfactory condition as all requirements were met.

The president of the St Kitts Teachers Union Bishop Ron Collins at that same meeting expressed pleasure that the school reopening. He explained that with the assurance from the regional health bodies that there will be a drastic decrease in the number of complaints at the school and the level of trust that now exists between the Ministry and the stakeholders, particularly after the management of the school was given the opportunity to oversee the work being done the St Kitts Teachers’ Union is satisfied.